The Magic of an Empowered Human Being

Noxious Weeds


Do you believe you are at the mercy of fate or luck? Do you feel you are at the mercy of other people or that your life is less than what you would have it because of other people? Do you feel you have any control at all over the circumstances which surround you?

When people talk about the chaos in other countries, or in your own, do you feel most of it has nothing to do with you? When you hear of earthquakes or tsunamis, do you feel it has nothing to do with you? Perhaps you say “It doesn’t matter to me, it’s their problem, not mine.” When you hear story after story of the destruction of the Rainforest, do you state emphatically “So what, I’m not doing it!”

Perhaps you consider yourself a forward thinker or perhaps even enlightened or deeply spiritual. You pray and meditate, maybe you call upon whomever or whatever you consider ‘God’ or call upon your guides and angels, or pour over your holy books. Then what? The problems still persist.

Many go to channelings, to church or to seminar after seminar. Still the problems that may or may not be perceived as your concern, persist.

I am an American, perhaps you are too. Or maybe you are from another country. Are you happy with the state our/your country is in? Do you believe we and our rights are respected? Are you free to live your highest ideals and dreams? Do you feel the sanctity of life is protected? Of ALL life, not just Human?

Do you feel different, separate, superior to or inferior from people of other races, cultures, lifestyles, religious beliefs, or ideology? Of the opposite gender? If so, have you ever asked yourself why?

Do you feel you will ‘just die’ if you can’t get that special burger, that just right dress, the latest and coolest cell phone, miss that TV show that comes on at the same time each week or do you find yourself watching intently (between programming) the commercials touting the benefits of this or that drug? Then wonder why, all of a sudden, every where you turn you are meeting people with the very illness the drug claimed it could cure or perhaps you or a loved one falls victim to this particular illness.

Do you ever wonder how you came to believe that which you do?

Do you tend your growing ground and place particular attention upon your choice of seeds? If not there are many who are more than happy to dig the furrows of your mind and plant the seeds of noxious and invading weeds that bear fruit of the poisonous kind.

Planting Seeds…One Human at a Time

Planting seeds… What does planting seeds mean to you? I can’t possibly answer that question for you, but I can for me.

When I was a child, I was fascinated with the steps my Mother took to grow our garden. She tilled the soil, adding in natural fertilizer, hilled the rows up, made sure there was not one weed left behind, then chose with particular care the seeds she wanted to plant, putting much thought into when to plant each type of seed as well. Being the inquisitive child that I was, I asked question after question.

Why do you till the soil? Because we must prepare the growing ground by breaking up the hardened clay. The seeds cannot sprout through hardened soil. Failing to prepare the growing ground will lead to naught.

Why add the cow manure? Because we must feed the soil, for seeds need nourishment to grow.

Why do you hill the rows? Because we must plant the seeds upon high ground to keep them from being drowned or washed away by the heavy rains. Then we can direct the water into the channels between the rows.

Why do you pull up the weeds? Because the tiny seedlings will be strangled by the weeds and the weeds will steal the nourishment from the soil, leaving the tiny seedlings to starve and die.

How do you decide which seeds to plant? I choose with care to plant only the seeds which will provide the perfect nourishment our bodies need.

But Mama, why do you plant some seeds on this day and some seeds on that day? Because certain seeds need to be planted when the signs and times are right. To plant a seed when the sign and time is not perfect will lead to naught. The seed will wither and die before ever popping its head above ground, or it will become a seedling which is so weak and spindly the first mild wind will destroy it, or even worse, it will become a mature plant which bears no fruit at all.

As I grew up, many times I saw the wisdom of my Mama’s words.

Yes, she was speaking of gardening, but as with all things in my life, the metaphoric symbology of Planting Seeds never left my mind.

We are all Seed Planters from birth. Most of the time unconsciously. It is time for us all to become conscious Seed Planters. We are ready and fully capable. I hope to open minds to the necessity of Planting Seeds with full, conscious intent. One Human at a time…